Aligning Your Energy with the Moon


Being mindful of the Moon and its phases has allowed me to be more organized and efficient in my personal and professional life.


Each phase and its energy influences us in different ways.

It takes the Moon 29.5 days to arrive from New Moon - to New Moon, and 27.3 days to orbit around the Earth.

There are 4 Major Moon Phases: New Moon, first quarter, Full Moon, and last quarter. Each major phase lasts one day.

The 4 Minor Moon Phases are: waxing crescent, waxing gibbous, waning gibbous, and waning crescent. Each lasting between 5 to 7 days.

Out of the many tabs that are open on my browser, is one of them. This website helps me accurately follow the moon and its phases.


Here is a list of affirmations to help keep you focused and aligned:

New Moon- I am manifesting new beginnings. My intention is _________.

Waxing Crescent- I set my intention and move forward.

First Quarter- I am committed to my intention no matter the obstacles.

Waxing Gibbous- I reflect, refine and am patient with myself as I observe my patterns. 

Full Moon-  I release the things that no longer serve me and prevent me from manifesting my intention.

Waning Gibbous- I share my light with others. I express gratitude for the shadows coming to light and make space to create. 

Last Quarter- I readjust and let go of unhealthy habits. I accept the true purpose behind my intention.

Waning crescent- I give thanks to the universe and my intuition for its guidance. I rest & restore.

New Moon. 

Try this for a month and let me know how it goes!

With love,
